Every situation has a positive side and a negative side.
In truth, the universe has a built-in duality – there is peace and war, kindness and cruelty, support and challenge, youth and age, poverty and wealth, joy and sorrow, solitude and multitude, and failure and success. They all exist as pairs throughout all aspects of life.
It isn’t possible to experience just one aspect, whether positive or negative.
Seeking a one-sided life is futile, draining and disempowering, and it will hinder you from achieving your inspired dreams.
The alternative? Learn to honor both aspects within every moment.
This is what I train people to do at my seminar The Breakthrough Experience.
When you see both sides of life, you become poised, present, purposeful, objective, resilient and adaptable.
Mastering the art of seeing both sides is the art of true mind mastery which leads ultimately to life mastery.
-Dr john martini