One can argue that even if the decisions we make are fear based, we are still making a choice by making that decision. In other words, even if it’s a choice out of fear, it’s still a choice; but that’s not what this quote is about.
Whenever we make decisions, and behave in ways that are driven by fear, we are no longer in control, we are no longer feeling that we have a choice, we are no longer operating with integrity, and we are no longer demonstrating authenticity.
Decisions that are fear based are emotional, and therefore, irrational. They are driven by the need to survive instead of the desire to thrive, which would shift the impact of these decisions dramatically.
When we make a fear-based decision, we feel forced to make it; we feel like we have no choice. It feels like an internal coercion.
A fear-based decision contaminates intention by forcing us to fixate on threat avoidance; it clouds are judgment, and hinders our progress.
Before making a decision, ask yourself:”Is it fear based?”, and if the answer is “yes.”, delay making it until you dissolve the fear linked to it, or until you find an alternative decision that is not fear based.
-Sam Qureshi