20 sentences that will maximise your social intelligence

  1. To solve an issue quickly, be soft on the person and hard on the problem.
  2. Pretend everyone was sent to teach you something.
  3. Pause in speaking + eye contact = confidence.
  4. Make people feel important with the SHR Method: Seen, Heard, Remembered.
  5. A person’s favorite sound is their name, so remember it (h/t Dale Carnegie).
  6. “Praise publicly. Criticize privately.” —Warren Buffett
  7. To give feedback, first make the other person feel you care about them.
  8. “Unspoken expectations are premeditated resentments.” —Neil Strauss
  9. The best networking strategy is a helping others first strategy.
  10. Loneliness is a silent pandemic; assume people want to meet you,
  11. Practice going first, e.g., “Hi, I’m Ben.”
  12. Build the habit of responding with “Yes, and” because it advances their idea.
  13. Avoid complaining or gossiping (nobody likes to hear it ).
  14. Storytelling is a superpower; use a structure like setup, tension, & resolution.
  15. Every dog has its day because dogs are friendly (lesson in there).
  16. “The quality of your relationships determines the quality of your life.” —E. Perel
  17. To discover blindspots, build an inner circle that will give you honest feedback.
  18. Normalize “I don’t know anything about that yet” as a successful answer.
  19. Record and study your speaking like an athlete watching game film.
  20. “Great leaders create more leaders, not followers.” —Roy T. Bennett

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